Welcome to Janssen With Me South Africa

Welcome to Janssen With Me South Africa
At Janssen, we believe in partnering with patients and caregivers. By seeing patients as our partners, we can understand how to better meet their needs and improve the patient’s health care journey.

Mental Health

Our mental health
Our Mental Health

An online resource focused on shattering the stigmas around mental health disorders.

OMH Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia 24x7

An online resource focused on Schizophrenia.

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension



Here4You is a portal of information, to provide hope and support to those living with prostate cancer, as well as loved ones and family.



Psoriatic Disease

My IBD Journey
My IBD Journey

An online resource focused on helping patients to live a happy productive life by understanding and managing their IBD.

Living with PsO
Living with PsO

Find out what the future could hold, how to get the most from appointments and what treatments are out there.

Living with PsA
Living with PsA

Resources and information you need to help you take control of your disease and your life.